Mirror, Mirror… Your happily ever after can start today

ImageWe all associate the term “happily ever after” with fairy tales however I believe we can all have our own happily ever after if we choose to.  All you have to do is choose to make today the beginning of your happily ever after.


Your happiness is controlled by you. I use to think that was some bullshit until I finally faced my ugly truth.  If you really look at the things in your life that you are truly unhappy about you will see that your choices are keeping those unhappy things around.  If you wipe that mirror of truth off a little more and look a little closer you will see that your choices are the reason you have not achieved your goals in life. (at least 90 % of the time)     

  If your in a bad relationship then leave!  I know in some cases you just can’t walk away today but you can start your exit plan today.  If you want to go back to school then today is the day you get that process started for next semester.  If you want to find love then today is the day you start looking in the right places.  If you suffer from depression then today is the day you add a little more sunshine into your daily routine to help you fight off that depressed feeling.  If your over weight and numbers on that scale is it getting you down then today is the day you don’t have that big breakfast or that super good but super fatty snack.  If you are looking for a job and you keep running into dead ends today is the day you try a different job search site and today is the day you dress up your resume’ a little more. If you have bills overwhelming you then today is the day you take a good look at all your bills and make some hard choices on what you can and cannot afford to keep at this time.   You get the picture by now so if you truly want to live “happily ever after” then choose to make today the first day of your Happily ever after life! 

It may be hard but it’s easier than being unhappy




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